Toxic Skin Spiritborn Endgame Build Guide - D4 (2025)

The Toxic Skin Spiritborn Endgame Guide utilizes the Gorilla and Jaguar spirit halls, combined with strong Damage over Time effects and powerful direct damage procs. Consume your active DoTs to annihilate your enemies instantly!

Toxic Skin is the core skill of your build. Due to absurdly high skill ranks and tons of Cooldown Reduction your Toxic Skin is permanently active, poisoning everything you touch. Maximize your area coverage and zoom at the same time, by using Rushing Claw.

Noxious Resonance causes your Poisons on an enemy to burst, dealing all of the total Poisoning damage instantly, while spreading 20% to surrounding enemies. Noxious Resonance's damage is increased by 30% of your total Critical Strike Damage bonus. The Seeker additionally provides absurdly high damage due to its added Critical Strike and Vulnerable Damage scalers that pair extremely well with Noxious Resonance's Critical Strike Damage multiplier.

Your defenses are phenomenal as Counterattack and Armored Hide are permanently active due to Temporal Incisions. Perseverance and Auspicious provide additional tankiness.


This build guide assumesyou have a Level 60 Character and unlocked Torment 1. To get there, level up with one of our Spiritborn Leveling Guides. See how this Build compares against others with our various Build Tier Lists.

Season Theme

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Toxic Skin Spiritborn

Season 7 is the Season of Witchcraft. It features two separate borrowed power mechanics in the forms of Witchcraft Powers and Occult Gems. Both Seasonal mechanics are unlocked and improved by new NPCs found at the Tree of Whispers after collecting resources from Headhunt Zones, Seasonal areas similar to Helltide that appear across Sanctuary.

There are 25 Witchcraft Powers, 6 of which can be equipped at a time. Each Power belongs to one of four Schools (Eldritch, Growth & Decay, Psyche, and Lost), tags that promote synergies within themselves and with Occult Gems. Each School has a single Unique Witchcraft Power, only one of which can be equipped at a time. These Unique Powers max out and gain an additional effect at rank 5, while the other Powers max at rank 21 and gain their bonus effects at various levels. To unlock and improve Witchcraft Powers, defeat Headrotten or complete Whispers within the Headhunt Zones to collect Restless Rot. Lost Powers are an exception, requiring you to randomly encounter a Forgotten Altar in Dungeons to unlock them.

Best-in-Slot Witchcraft Powers

  • Soul Harvest - This Power dramatically increases Core Stats based on monster density and is a reliable strong choice.
  • Decay Augmentation - Skills inherit the Growth & Decay tags from Voice of the Stars, turning this Power into a direct Multiplier!
  • Hex of Shattering - Reduces incoming damage.
  • Aura of Siphoning - You must equip one of the three available Witchcraft Auras to enable Voice of the Stars. Aura of Siphoning is preferred for its Healing effect.
  • Aura Specialization - Increases Aura size tremendously, while also increasing your Critical Strike Damage.
  • The Cycle - Provides an additional source of Poison Damage and healing.

Alternate Witchcraft Powers

  • Piranhado - This power can be used as an alternative way to group mobs.
  • Breath of the Coven - Granting additional Attack Speed.
  • Aura of Misfortune - Another source of additional defense.

Occult Gems

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Razor Wings Spiritborn

Rarely, Headrotten Bosses appear with a still-attached Fugitive Head stolen from the Tree of Whispers. Slay these enemies and return the Heads to Gelena to unlock and upgrade Occult Gems. These Gems are socketable in Jewelry and each provide +160 Armor and +8% Resistance to All Elements. More importantly, each Occult Gem grants a unique effect that synergizes with your equipped Witchcraft Powers to provide a variety of Offensive, Defensive, and Utility-based bonuses.

Best-in-Slot Occult Gems

  • Dust Stone - Provides additional damage.
  • Friend of the Bog - Grants more primary stat, increased Maximum Life and makes you permanently Unhindered.
  • Moonlight Ward - Grants Damage Reduction and Maximum Resistance to All Elements.

Alternate Occult Gems

  • Hungering Void - Pulls monsters close every 8 seconds.

Learn more details about the season theme in our full Season Guide.

Skills & Gameplay

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Toxic Skin Spiritborn

  • Toxic Skin provides your biggest source of Poison Damage over Time. The passive portion lets you Poison attackers for a substantial amount of Damage over Time, while the active portion of the Skill lets you create a Poison Damage trail behind you. Measured Toxic Skin makes your Poison Damage deal an additional 25% of its Damage over Time as Critical Strikes to Vulnerable enemies. This procs Noxious Resonance, closing the loop.
  • Rushing Claw serves as your mobility skill, while also providing an incredible tool to spread your Poison from Toxic Skin's poison trail even faster. Due to your massive amount of Cooldown Reduction and additional Rushing Claw stacks on your gear, you are constantly dashing across the battlefield.
  • The Seeker provides tons of damage through its Critical Strike and Vulnerable Damage scaler. Additionally its guaranteed Critical Strikes provide more Noxious Resonance procs.
  • Scourge fears and slows targets for 3 seconds, while also applying an additional source of Poisoning Damage to your targets. Additionally, each time you hit an enemy with Scourge, you gain 1% increased damage versus Crowd Controlled enemies for 6 seconds, up to 50%.
  • Armored Hide lets you block all incoming attacks during its uptime. You have permanent uptime on this skill through Temporal Incisions.
  • Counterattack makes you dodge all incoming attacks during its uptime, while also increasing your Critical Strike Damage for every Close enemy. Temporal Incisions also keeps this up all of the time.


The more Toxic Skin ranks you have, the stronger the build becomes. Additionally every 5 Skill Ranks, your Toxic Skin receives a substantial damage increase. Compare the following Rank 24 Toxic Skin to the Rank 25 Toxic Skin here, to spot the immense difference:

  • Rank 24: Toxic Skin
  • Rank 25: Toxic Skin

Reaching Ranks 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and so on for Toxic Skin is, therefore, a massive increase in power, which gets considerably smaller after Rank 25. Check out our Mechanics section to learn more!

Skill Rotation

  • Rushing Claw to dash from pack to pack, while keeping the following buffs constantly active:
    • Toxic Skin
    • Armored Hide
    • Counterattack
  • Use Scourge for additional damage or when you need healing.
  • (On Elites & Bosses) Use The Seeker for additional Poisoning Damage over Time, CC and Noxious Resonance procs.

Spirit Hall

Primary:‍Gorilla provides the Gorilla tag to all skill, granting you an additional avenue of increasing your damage. Additionally every attack grants Barrier.

Secondary:‍Jaguar grants an additional stack of Ferocity to fuel your Attack Speed even more, while also generating 1 Ferocity whenever you kill an enemy or damage a Boss.

Unlocking the Spirit Hall

Once you reach level 15, you have to complete a short questline starting in Gea Kul, Kehjistan. A Priority Quest leads you there to help out Tarka. After a few stops outside of town you have to enter the Sacred Hunting Grounds and defeat the Spirit Beast. While inside this dungeon you have to use the emote wheel at two separate stops, once for "Help", once for "Thanks" in order to progress. The boss fight is relatively long and difficult for low level characters, so it's recommended to do this quest on normal. After finishing the quest your secondary Spirit Hall unlocks automatically at level 30.

Learn more details in our full Spiritborn Spirit Hall Guide.

Paragon & Glyphs

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Toxic Skin Spiritborn


Carefully check your Paragon Boards to ensure correct board rotation. Glyphs go from a radius of 3 to 4 at level 15 and from 4 to 5 at level 46. Some of them cannot be activated before reaching these thresholds! Progress through The Pit to rank up your Glyphs.

Use the slider to see progression steps. At around Paragon 200, leveling slows down significantly and all important Rare clusters, Legendary nodes and Glyph sockets should be unlocked. Afterwards, you can min/max your build with minor tweaks and by picking up additional smaller nodes.


Some Glyph position swaps, board changes and other pathing adjustments may occur as you unlock your full potential. The setup displayed by default is the final version of the build before spending additional points that do not significantly impact your character's power.

Glyph Leveling Priorities

To Level 15

  1. Fester
  2. Spirit
  3. Bane
  4. Canny
  5. Fitness

To Level 46

  1. Spirit
  2. Fitness
  3. Bane
  4. Fester
  5. Canny

There are a total of 328 Paragon Points. After reaching level 60, you gain up to 300 Paragon Levels, 24 fromRenown and 4 from Altars of Lilith. Check out our dedicated in-depth guides to learn more about Paragon Boards and Glyphs.


Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Toxic Skin Spiritborn

You can have up to two Runewords in your setup, each consisting of one Ritual and one Invocation Rune. Socket them in Two-Handed Weapons, Helms, Pants or Chest Armor.

Best in Slot

  • Bac + Que - Grants additional barrier through Earthen Bulwark.
  • Moni + Kry - Increases your effectiveness in AoE encounters.

Alternative choices

As long as you haven't unlocked the final setup or found the top runes, you can also benefit from these options:

  • Jah - A fantastic mobility tool, replacing your Evade with Teleport.
  • Vex - Tremendous increase in your Damage, if this gets your Toxic Skin to Rank 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25.
  • Xal - For extra defense.
  • Wat - Decrepify helps with stagger, defense and executes enemies at 10% HP, can be combined with Xol in your other Runeword to generate large amounts of offering.
  • Ohm - Another big damage multiplier through War Cry.

Learn more about Runes and how they work in our dedicated Runewords Overview and Runewords Tier List.


Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Toxic Skin Spiritborn

Mercenaries are unlocked during the Vessel of Hatred campaign and assist you in battle. There are 4 separate Mercenaries to choose from, each with their own skill trees and abilities. You can have one hired (permanent) mercenary during solo play and a reinforcement who assists you from time to time in certain situations.

Hired: Varyana

She provides you with additional Attack Speed for more Rushing Claws and higher DPS in single target encounters.

Reinforcement: Raheir

Bastion provides additional defense and can save your life in spicy situations.

Learn more about Mercenaries and how they work in our dedicated Mercenaries Overview.

Stat Priorities & Item Progression

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Toxic Skin Spiritborn

To enable the Toxic Skin Spiritborn to perform optimally, hunt for these stats on your gear with good rolls and aim to Temper ⚒️ & Masterwork Crit ↑ them accordingly. Keep in mind that certain stats, such as Armor, Resistances, Extra Size Tempers, Attack Speed and more, have caps that may affect your priorities according to the items and Paragon points available at that moment.

T1 Starter



Item Progression Goals

Before you dive into the Endgame with the Toxic Skin Spiritborn, take a look at this overview of the items used in the build. See below for further details about the different progression steps and variants. Some of your Skill Tree choices depend on what Legendary Aspects and Unique items are available to you. Keep in mind that while we can guarantee that everyone has access to the same Codex of Power Aspects, the exact progression is different for everyone.

T1 Starter



Learn more details and how to farm Legendary Aspects and Uniques in our General Farming Guide.

Build Variants

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Toxic Skin Spiritborn

This section is designed to guide your Toxic Skin Spiritborn from a fresh level 60 into the very late endgame using the three variants T1 Starter, Ancestral and Mythic.

T1 Starter




Pit Pushing

If you are fresh in Torment 1 coming from a leveling guide, this is where you begin. Since only some Aspects can be guaranteed from Dungeon unlocks for the Codex of Power, focus on acquiring the additional aspects via gambling with Murmuring Obols.

Gear & Skills

Early on in your progression, focus on armor & resistances to survive. Each Torment difficulty adds a 250 armor and 25% all res penalty and it's recommended to keep both capped (1000 armor for survival, 3334 armor for damage through Unyielding Hits as early as possible, 70%+ res) at all times. As you unlock higher power gear, masterworking levels and more paragon points, you naturally scale your character into the higher difficulties and can start replacing some of these rolls with offensive or utility stats.

  • The goal in the T1 Starter is to acquire as much Critical Strike Damage as possible to boost your Noxious Resonance and The Seeker damage as much as possible. Vulnerable Damage is an additional scaler for The Seeker.
  • Additionally try to boost your Toxic Skin ranks as high as you can. Every 5 levels tremendously boosts your Toxic Skin damage, but every step in between is also extremely valuable.
  • Temporal Incisions ties your offense and defense together by extending all your Incarnate skills whenever you use Rushing Claw.
  • Last but not least you try to reach 3334 Armor for Unyielding Hits as early as possible.

The goal here is to progress through the Torment difficulties as you unlock Ancestrals, Paragon points, all Legendary Aspects, Temper mods and the most important Uniques to pilot this build. Some Legendary Aspects are used temporarily to fill slots that may be replaced with more Unique items later on.

Gear & Skill

As you upgrade your gear to ancestrals with more masterworking levels and reach higher paragon, you can focus more and more on replacing armor & resistance rolls with better stats, but ensure to stay capped at 1000 armor for survival, 3334 armor for damage through Unyielding Hits and 70%+ resistances for the difficulty you're currently in.

  • In the Ancestral version you have access to the powerful Wound Drinker. With up to 8 Toxic Skin ranks this item skyrockets your damage as soon as you equip it.
  • Continue increasing your Critical Strike Damage, Toxic Skin ranks.

This is the final version of the build's progression, including all regular Unique items, Mythic Uniques, Legendary Aspects, Temper mods and Masterworking, leaving you with a great all-rounder build for all content in the game. Additional variants use this as a baseline to optimize around certain activities.

Gear & Skills

As you upgrade your gear to ancestrals with more masterworking levels and reach higher paragon, you can focus more and more on replacing armor & resistance rolls with better stats, but ensure to stay capped at 1000 armor for survival, 3334 armor for damage through Unyielding Hits and 70%+ Resistances for the difficulty you're currently in.

  • Harlequin Crest tremendously decreases your Cooldowns, as well as the incoming damage. On top of that, you also receive +4 Skill Ranks to all Skills, further increasing Harlequin Crest's effectiveness.
  • Shroud of False Death provides a multitude of small benefits that add up to a ~40-60% damage gain on top of more survivability.

This Speedfarming variant optimizes the build for easy activities like Helltides, Whispers, Nightmare Dungeons and lower Pit Tiers after you have finished the Mythic variant and reached a plateau in your progression.

  • For the Speedfarming variant the Toxic Skin Spiritborn does not change, because you are already going at insane speeds and oneshotting everything.

This setup optimizes the build to push the highest possible Tiers in The Pit after you have finished the Mythic variant and reached a plateau in your progression. For the meta full bug abuse version to clear 150s easily, check out the variant for it.

  • In the Pit Pushing variant the Toxic Skin Spiritborn currently does not change.

FAQ & Mechanics

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Toxic Skin Spiritborn

Once a guide is released, many players have questions on why and how we are approaching certain choices. In this section you can find the answers to the questions that have been asked the most.

What can I do to improve survivability?

Which adjustments should I make on Hardcore?

What can I do when I run out of Rushing Claw charges?


Unyielding Hits



Barrier Generation

Attack Speed Caps


How valueable are Toxic Skin ranks?


Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Toxic Skin Spiritborn

  • The Toxic Skin Spiritborn is a hard hitting, fast-paced build that performs well in any scenario. With many mobility and utility skills at your disposal you are ready for anything that comes your way.
  • Critical Strike Damage scales Noxious Resonance's damage into absurd heights.
  • Use The Seeker and Measured Toxic Skin to proc Noxious Resonance. Vulnerable is applied by Fell Soothsayer's.
  • Attack Speed affects Rushing Claw and is a vital part of your kit!
  • Jump from pack to pack with your mobility skills and keep your Resolve stacks up with Armored Hide.
  • Happy blasting 🚀!


Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Toxic Skin Spiritborn

Written by Chronikz

Toxic Skin Spiritborn Endgame Build Guide - D4 (2025)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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